Fallen is a 2006 ABC Family miniseries based on the novel series The Fallen, broken into three parts. The first part was originally advertised as an "ABC Family Original Movie", but nearly a year later, it was followed up with two other parts of equal length over the course of a weekend. Fallen stars Paul Wesley as Aaron Corbett, a good-natured high school student who discovers he is half-human/half-angel. The series inspired a reality game on abcfamily.com which won an interactive Emmy.
천사와 인간 사이에서 태어난 네필림, 그리고 주인공은 타락천사들을 구원하는 구원자다.
재미없을 것 같은 시작, 재미있는 전개, 조금은 밋밋한 결말.
선/악의 대립구도라는 전형적인 갈등구조 속에서 전개되는 드라마.
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